Contents :

A collection of thoughts, and my notes about experiments and ideas, technical or otherwise, connected to Amateur Radio, Satellite working and monitoring and other electronics.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

QRSS Grabber in OZ

This week I have been in Denmark on Holidays.

During this I have set up a grabber receiver at the QTH of OZ9QV

The receiver is a simple one running on the 30m band, 10.140.0 - 10.140.1


Antenna : Indoor dipole (I don't want to risk too much in thunderstorms).

The system is running SpectrumLab and ArgoUpload, as well as WSPR in receiving mode

I hope to keep this running 24/7, but no guarantees, Internet may go down, power may be out, etc.

I hope some people will have fun using this grabber, and will try to get a bit more up and running there at a later stage.

Update : the OZ grabber seems to lack sensitivity, but is still operational.

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